Maryam Institute


Learn From Authentic Scholars With Several Years Of Teaching And Mentoring Experience

Shaykh Dr. Moiz Hasan has completed his Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Notre Dame (USA). He was born and raised in Karachi and received his schooling from the Karachi Grammar School. He graduated summa cum laude with a B.Sc. (Honors) from LUMS concentrating in Mathematics, Philosophy and Islamic Intellectual History. He completed his M.A. in the History of Science and Medicine from the University of Notre Dame (USA) and undertook post-graduate studies in Islamic Science and Philosophy from McGill University. 

Shaykh Moiz studied the rigorous eight-year curriculum of the the traditional Islamic sciences under scholars (‘ulema) in Pakistan, receiving the ‘alimiyya degree from the Wifaq ul Madaris al-Arabiyya Pakistan. He has authorization to teach hadith from renowned scholars in Pakistan including the honorable Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.

He has lectured extensively on topics relating to the Islamic scholarly tradition, Science, Religion, and Philosophy at various conferences and universities across the US, Canada and Pakistan. He is the founder Maryam Institute and Sunnah Institute.

Alimah Sobia Hasan is the Co-Founder and Director of  Maryam Institute, an international U.S. based, non profit organization committed to imparting Islamic education globally. She obtained her Alimiyyah Degree from Wifaq al-Madaris and has been teaching and mentoring students for the past 18 years. Her students include working professionals, homemakers, and college students from various countries around the world. In addition to her religious qualifications, she holds a BSc (Honours) in Economics and Social Sciences from LUMS and has undergone training in Educational Leadership at the Kaneb Centre for Teaching & Learning in the USA. Combining her expertise in research and Islamic studies with her role as a community mentor, Alimah Sobia has designed and delivered a range of courses on contemporary and lifestyle issues relevant to women. She has also lectured extensively on topics relating to Islam at conferences and universities in the United States, Canada, and Pakistan.

Ustadha Samreen completed her Bachelors of Science in Molecular Biology from the University of Washington and Masters in Public Health from the University of Michigan. Ustadha Samreen is passionate about learning Arabic and studied the Arabic language and Islamic Civilization for two years at the University of Washington. She recently completed her 6 years of classical Islamic learning at Maryam Institute and was awarded the ‘Alimah degree in 2019. She has volunteered and taught at different masajid and has spoken at various community centers and conferences pertaining to spiritual development for women and youth. She has also spent time running a tutoring program for women and youth from different countries. Ustadha Samreen is also a mother of three and a research scientist in the biomedical field.

Hafizah Irfana Fatima resides in the western suburbs of Chicago, USA with her husband and children. She received her Bachelors in Laboratory Sciences from University of Illinois at Chicago. She works as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist at a regional hospital. Hafizah Irfana Fatima completed memorization of the Holy Quran in 2011. Thereafter, she enrolled in the six-year Alimiyyah Course at Maryam Institute and completed her studies in 2019. She teaches Sarf, Mishkat and Hidayah Awwal at Maryam Institute. She has also taught Sarf and is currently teaching Qasas un Nabiyyeen in a local seminary in Chicago.

Alimah Farnaz has lived and served in the Seattle Muslim community, USA for the past 12 years. She is a Computer Science engineer and a senior instructor at Maryam Institute. She formally studied sacred Islamic sciences from Maryam Institute, completing a rigorous six-year curriculum covering classical texts in a range of disciplines including the sciences of the Arabic language, Tafsir of the Qur’an, Hadith, Aqeedah Fiqh, Usool ul Fiqh and Tajweed. She loves to work with women and children and conducts workshops and classes on various topics in her community. She loves to read and journal in her free time and enjoys meaningful conversations with her friends and family.

Alimah Maria Khan has studied School Management and Islamic Counseling in the UAE and is a certified coach for Neuro Linguistic Programming. She completed her Alimiyya Degree from Maryam Institute and has been involved in teaching Qur’an and Arabic for over 13 years in the UAE and Canada. She has ijazah to teach from two different teachers in Sharjah, with a sanad for matan Al Jazariyyah in tajweed and a sanad for matan Al Ajrumiyyah in Arabic Grammar. She is a core member of the administrative team at Maryam Institute and teaches advanced fiqh and hadith classes. Sincere in her efforts, Alimah Maria uses her background and extensive experience to truly benefit her students. She currently resides in the UAE with her family.

Alimah Umme Yahya was raised in Chicago, Illinois. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Accounting and Management from University of Illinois at Chicago. In 2021, she completed the 6-year Alimiyyah degree at Maryam Institute. She is passionate about Arabic grammar and has taught at various levels both online and in her local community. She currently teaches intermediate hadith and advanced exegesis at Maryam Institute. She resides in a suburb of Chicago with her husband and three children.

Alimah Dr. Asifa Ahmed currently lives in Toronto, Canada. She received her doctorate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2001 and has been teaching various disciplines for the past 10 years. Her quest for Islamic learning led her to Maryam Institute, where she studied all of the disciplines of Islamic learning and was awarded the Alimiyyah Degree in 2019. She currently teaches advanced subjects on Uloom al-Quran and Hadith at Maryam Institute and also teaches at an Islamic School in Toronto.

Alimah Rukaiya Rawat is currently the Vice Principal of an Islamic School in Surat, India. She began her Islamic education at Maryam Institute and recently completed her 6 years of Islamic learning and was awarded the ‘Alimah degree. Alimah Rukaiya completed her graduation in Accounting and then pursued a diploma in Educational Management and Leadership. She has attended several training workshops in child counselling and has recently received training for teaching children with learning disabilities. She regularly conducts teacher training workshops for teachers of different schools. She currently teaches fundamental and advanced level courses at Maryam Institute, including Arabic Morphology, Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabic Grammar and Inheritance Laws.

Alimah Misbah A Shaikh lives in Atlanta, GA. She began her pursuit of knowledge at Maryam Institute and studied the classical disciplines of Islamic learning for 6 years. She was awarded the Alimiyyah Degree in 2019. Ustadha Misbah has also completed her Bachelors in Physical Therapy and has also received certifications as a Nutritionist from ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine), as a Hijama Therapist from Hijama Nation (UK), as a Cupping Therapist from ICTA (International Cupping Therapy Association) and a Licensed Phlebotomist from NHA (National Healthcareer Association) in USA. She currently works at an Islamic School in Atlanta and teaches different courses at Maryam Institute.

Alimah Umme Hanbal began her pursuit of Classical Islamic Learning in 2011. She studied Quran, Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, and Arabic under traditional scholars for four years, thereby completing the Dars-e-Nizami curriculum and receiving the Alimiyyah degree by Wifaq ul Madaris Al-Arabiyyah Al-Pakistan. Since then, she has been involved in teaching and Daw’ah activities in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Kohat. Moreover, she delivers lectures for female students and staff members at different colleges and universities in Rawalpindi and Peshawar. Ustadah also has a BIT (Hons) in Networking and an MBA in Human Resource Management from IQRA University Peshawar. She has close to 4 years of professional experience as a Consultant, Program Coordinator, Junior Project Manager and Content Writer. She has been teaching Hadith, Islamic Law and Islamic Inheritance at Maryam Institute for the past two years.

Grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, where she spent her time teaching children Quran and Islamic Studies on the weekends. She earned her Bachelors in Computer Science from Illinois Institute of Technology. She is a graduate of Maryam Institute and was awarded the Alimiyyah degree in 2022. She has been teaching Arabic classes at Maryam Institute for the past four years. She currently lives in Michigan with her family.

Currently resides in Ontario, Canada with her family. She studied Bachelor’s in Medicine and Surgery from Baqai Medical Karachi. She completed the Alimah Degree from Maryam Institute in 2020 with distinction. She has been serving her local community in Ontario for the past several years, conducting halaqahs for teenage girls and young women. She is a senior instructor and mentor at Maryam Institute and teaches several courses on Tafsir and Arabic Language and Grammar.

Currently resides in Lahore, Pakistan. She completed BSc honors from LUMS in Social Sciences, specializing in Literature and Philosophy, after which began teaching A level Literature at a local private school. She completed her Almiyyah Degree from Wifaq al-Madaris in Pakistan and has been serving her local community since there. She has been associated with Maryam Institute for several years, having the privilege of teaching Hadith studies and its classical text, RiyādhusSālihīn. She divided her time between motherhood, teaching Literature and conducting halaqahs for young women and girls in her community.

Currently lives in Manchester, U.K. She holds Masters degrees in English and Education and is a school teacher by profession. Learning and teaching sacred knowledge is her passion and she has spent the last 15 years in learning and teaching Quran and hadith studies to her local community. She received her Alimiyyah degree from Maryam Institute in 2020 and has been a faculty member since 2018.

Ustadha Maryam Singgatama converted to Islam when she was an engineering student at university. She completed the Alimiyya degree from Maryam Institute in 2021 under the tutelage of various teachers, including Alimah Sobia Hasan and Shaikh Moiz Hasan. She has been teaching Arabic subjects in the same institute since then. Her topics of interest include Arabic grammar and morphology. She is married and lives in Karachi, Pakistan with her three children.

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