Maryam Institute

Fundamentals Program

The Fundamentals Program provides an overview of the fundamental elements of classical Islamic learning and spirituality. Students will gain core instruction in the disciplines of Hadith, Islamic Law, Beliefs (Aqeedah), Seerah, Shamail, and Islamic Spirituality, as well as cover the translation and commentary of the entire Qur’an.

This track is principally designed for students who wish to acquire basic knowledge obligatory for a Muslim, without learning Arabic, and who can contribute a time commitment of about 3 to 4 hours per week. Course materials will be provided in English, and minimal reference will be made to the Arabic language.


Course Outline

1-Qur’an Module:

The duration of the Fundamentals Program is 3 years.

Students enrolled in the Fundamentals Program will cover the following curriculum.

NOTE: It will include all the courses offered in the Qur’an Program which means that students enrolled in the Fundamentals Program need not separately enroll in the Qu’ran Program.



Translation and Commentary of the Entire Qur'an

A detailed and inspiring commentary of the entire Qur’an with an emphasis on highlighting lessons that are relevant to our daily life.

The Sources & Methodology of Interpretation

Introduction to the field of Qur'anic Sciences; The Sources & Methodology for Interpretation of the Qur'an; Compilation of the Qur'an; Types & Causes of Revelation

2-Hadith Module



Introduction to the Science of Hadith

Introduction to the Science of Hadith Studies; Classifications of Hadith; Methodology & Terminologies used in Hadith

Explanation of the sayings of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in Zad al-Talibin (Provisions for the Seekers).

This classic collection of 327 hadith contains many short sayings that express a multitude of meanings, and is ultimately meant to provide today’s Muslims a glimpse at the charisma of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and a roadmap with which to achieve closeness with Allah.

Sublime Characteristics of the Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him)

An explanation of the beautiful characteristics of the Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) through selections from Imam al-Tirmidhi’s Al-Shamail al-Muhammadiya

3-Islamic Beliefs



Believer's Creed

Understand the basic tenets of our faith through Imam Tahawi’s widely acclaimed reference work on Muslim beliefs, Aqidah al-Tahawiyah.

4-Islamic Law



Historical Development of Islamic Law

This course will examine the sources of Islamic law, its basic methodologies and the foundation of the legal schools through a historical analysis of the classical era.

Islamic Law I

Islamic Legal Rulings pertaining to Ritual Purification, Menstruation, Salah, Zakah, Fasting and Udhiya (Sacrifice) through Nur al-Idah (a classical text on sacred law).

5-Islamic History:

Students can choose any two courses from the following to fulfill the Islamic History Requirement of the Fundamentals Program:




Seerah of the Blessed Messenger (Peace & Blessings be upon him)- Meccan and Medinan Periods

Lives of the Companions

Biographies of the Khulafa Rashideen (The Four Caliphs)

Mothers of the Believers

This course presents the biographies of the beloved wives of the Prophet (saw). Join us as we discover their courage, commemorate their sacrifices, marvel at their knowledge and learn how they imparted the Message.

6-Contemporary Issues

Islam, Women & Gender is a compulsory course. Students can choose any one course from the following to fulfill the Contemporary Issues Requirement of the Fundamentals Program:



Being Productive: Management & Self-Discipline in Islam

This course will offer a unique blend of tradition and technology in order to address key topics in effective self-management – health, stress, sleep, time, conflict, inter-personal relationships, work ethics, dawah and personal productivity.

Islam, Women & Gender

This course will cover issues pertaining to women in Islam like Hijab, Inter-Gender Interaction, Hudood Laws and The Contribution of Women to Knowledge & Scholarship

Marriage in Islam

This course is a comprehensive guide on the journey for attaining marital bliss in Islam as a means of drawing closer to Allah SWT, encompassing different stages from understanding love and marriage, correctly thinking and preparing for it, choosing the right one, getting married Islamically, to building a strong, loving and lifelong marriage.

7-Islamic Spirituality

Islamic Spirituality Essentials is a Core Course. Students need to take one more elective of their choice from the remaining courses to fulfill the Islamic Spirituality Requirement of the Fundamentals Program:



Islamic Spirituality Essentials

Introduction to the Science of Islamic Spirituality based on the Qur’an and Sunnah

Diseases of the Heart

Symptoms & Cures of Diseases of the Heart: Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Greed, Malice, Unlawful Love, Arrogance

Stations of Certainty

Repentance, Patience, Gratitude, Hope, Fear, Trust in Allah swt, Contentment

Islamic Etiquette & Conduct

Selections from Imam Bukhari (rah)’s Al-Adab Al-Mufrad

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